The Limb Differences Network Spans Across the World

Recruiting Sites Now!

We are now recruiting sites to join our International Limb Differences Registry. If you are interesting in joining please contact the ILDN team.

We focus on a multitude of orthopedic issues on an international scale.

See below for the sub-registries to be developed under ILDN.


Network Structure

We have established a framework consisting of a scientific advisory board, scientific executive committee, special interest groups and research methodology panel to guide the development and progress of this international registry.

Roadmap for Condition Specific Sub-Registries

We have brought together clinicians with interest in specific limb differences to form the scientific advisory committee (SAC) for each of the sub-registries under ILDN. We pair clinicians from high income countries with clinicians from low-income and middle-income countries to ensure relevance to patients from these countries. The SAC members work with the research team at BCCH to develop individual sub-registries.

Completed Registries

Registries in Development

Registries Coming Soon!

Skeletal Dysplasia and Metabolic Disorders

Congenital Femoral Deficiency

Posteromedial Bow

Tibial Hemimelia

Non-Malignant Tumors

Post Traumatic Deformity

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